Orchestration and Workload Automation with Beta Systems Software (IT)
There's an on demand webinar available for this event
In this webinar we will show you how Beta Systems and ANOW! solutions can be used for orchestration and Workload Automation
Michele Notarangelo
System Engineer, Beta Systems
System Engineer at Beta Systems for over 20 years, with many years of experience in the IT sector, with a focus on mainframe and distributed environments.
Roberto Conversi
System Engineer, Beta Systems
System Engineer at Beta Systems, works in pre-sales and consulting. Has many years of experience in the IT and security sector.
Intelligent orchestration: work smarter, not harder!
End-to-end orchestration model
The new philosophy of Intelligent Orchestration
Architecture and functionality
Orchestrazione e Workload Automation con Beta Systems Software
In questo webinar vi mostreremo come le soluzioni Beta Systems e ANOW! possono essere utilizzate per l’orchestrazione e Workload Automation.
Ordine del giorno
Orchestrazione intelligente: lavorare in modo più intelligente, non più difficile!
Modello di orchestrazione end-to-end
La nuova filosofia dell’Orchestrazione Intelligente
Architettura e funzionalità