Signal Iduna Versicherung Uses Software Solutions from Beta Systems
Heiko Smarsly from Signal Iduna Versicherung describes the use of Beta 91 (Beta CheckZ), Beta 92 (Beta LogZ) and Beta 93 (Beta DocZ) in the Signal Iduna data center.
Contact us
Beta Systems Software AG
Alt-Moabit 90d
10559 Berlin
Further Resources
What Is a Mainframe?
A mainframe computer, often referred to as “big iron”, is a powerful computing system used by large organizations for essential tasks such as mass data processing and enterprise resource planning. Although mainframes are smaller than supercomputers, they offer higher computing power compared to other computers classes.
CA-7 to TWS/OPC Conversion at SIGNAL IDUNA with the Support of XINFO
A report based on user experience by Claus Kaesler, June 2003 – The author is a consultant with many years of experience in Job-Scheduling-Systems (JSS) and
has performed many conversions using his own conversion tools from and to JSS’s as varied as
CA-7, TWS/OPC, Control-M, BAGJAS, APM(HS5000) and APEX. He also has worked
extensively with output management systems.
Scheduler Migration Supported by XINFO
This document will describe how XINFO can assist and support the migration of job
scheduling systems in a variety of ways. It makes no difference which scheduler is used or in
which direction the migration is to take place.